The You In Your Phone

Look at your phone – the way its setup, the layout of app icons on the homescreen, the most used apps, the total number of apps, the theme it has on, the wear on the body, how close is it to running out of storage space, which brand it has stamped on it, how new it is, how frequently it rings, how loud its kept, how bright it is, the number of hours it is stared into, how protected it is, how quickly it discharges, how slow it is and what decoration it has. Think about how those little things about your device describe you.

Within its screen is a sacred space for your consciousness to navigate through at ease. It is not the simplest of tools made by man, yet it is available to all and usable by most. This little monolith you carry with you – plastic intricately fused with sand and metal – this is the tombstone of the modern man, which he carries with himself. He perfected all the techniques and knowledge to give himself a new rock. And for this award, he will forego all the other old ways he had devised to be remembered. He will throw away his talismans, tags, chains, watches, rosary and rings.

Similar things, though, could be said about other objects we use, but the mobile phone is the object we reach out to the most, consistently, throughout our waking days and nights. There is no other object which centers our physical existence like the mobile phone.

Such a recent change, and why should I not fear something like that.

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A bit like you.