It’s Not A Reset, It’s The Same Power Button

Many people are alarmed by ‘The Great Reset’ – because they will own nothing and they will surely not be happy. The idea proposes something new, with a hint of world domination, and people hate changes. But is the idea really something new? Do these concerned people still own the house and the car they currently make payments on every month? Is their food and water not processed enough? Are they not hooked to screens that control their thought? Do they not willingly send their kids to institutions that protect and serve the people who propose these new ideas? So, why the worry?

And what is ownership anyway but a lifelong lease? Eventually you will die and someone else will get your things in a box, or they will get trashed. In a world of structured on debt where no one really owns anything and where the guarantors of that ownership are themselves broke, you cling on to your belongings and buy guns and insurance to protect them. The existence of this paranoia keeps you involved, and that is all they need – just that state of being from you.

And, even if, say, these ideas achieve a level of acceptance and success; like all ideas, they shall dilute and morph to accommodate the imperfections of life. There will be a counter-idea proposed as an improvement after small incremental changes to it. Thank the the chaos which keeps us safe from the absoluteness of anything, good or bad. Nothing lives forever, not even ideas – accepting this impermanence is liberating and then it leaves nothing to reset, start or end. Everything is just great from then on.